2020 has been a whirlwind run of emotions. From fear to stress, the overwhelming presence of the global pandemic – COVID-19 – was just one of the many events that made for an unprecedented year. It is a year for the history books, as we experienced a global pandemic, economic collapse, social justice movements, raging fires, online learning, remote work.

This year has finally come to an end , welcoming the new year may feel a bit different and setting a resolution for 2021 may seem daunting.  

Paradoxically, the awfulness of 2020 may help us achieve our goals in 2021. Indeed if we’ve made it this far, we have tangible proof that we are strong, resourceful and able to tackle problems and hardships. And with a vaccine on the horizon, we can literally all see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Setting some goals for yourself can help you during the recovery period and set you up for success once we start emerging from the pandemic.

Now is a great time to think about where you want to be after COVID. With the proof that you had to be strong and resilient to make it this far, you can add the motivation boost that comes with every New Year to maximize the chances that you will stick with your resolutions.  

Set a big goal but break down it into a series of small goals.

Dream Big, as important projects are always more exciting and inspiring, but when it comes to achieving these big goals, it is the best way to break it down into measurable steps to achieve the goal. Otherwise, it can be daunting in the early days and it can cause you to lose your motivation to reach these big goals. 

If you are trying to get a new job, for example, steps could include getting your resume ready, creating a profile on social media sites designed for careers and job searching, doing research on places you might want to work, doing active job searches, etc. 

Make your new year’s goals realistic. 

Many of us want to be brilliant, ironman billionaires. Alas, for most of us, this isn’t going to work out. 

Nothing demotivates more than not being able to achieve something you set up to do.

Your goal must represent an objective in which you are willing and able to work towards. You are the only one that can determine just how substantial your goal should be, but you should ensure there is a realistic chance that given the right circumstances, you are able to achieve it.

Make your resolution measurable and track your performance 

Ambiguous goals (e.g., get healthier, improve finances) , make poor resolutions in and of themselves. Getting healthier or improving finances are great overarching goals, but they need achievable and measurable steps to help you get there. For example, if finances are your goal, go through your debts and priorities and make a detailed plan to get there.

Measurable goals allow you to keep track of your performance and review your progress time to time – weekly, monthly, every two weeks. It depends on your goal and what works for you. But the more frequently you check in on your progress toward your goal, the more likely you are to achieve it.

2020 has been a difficult year, but the future’s looking bright.

Be kind to yourself. Set some realistic goals. Celebrate small accomplishments. And if you feel you need some support to achieve your goals consider the help of a professional!

Find a coach you can trust and see a real difference in your success! If you want to talk to a trustable coach, you can book a free 20-minute session now.