Anyone practising online therapy at BAC is bound by the same code of ethics as traditional therapy. No matter where a therapist has their practice in they must adhere to the same standards by their professional organizations.
Your therapist should be able to show you and help you to understand their credentials at any time.
Online therapy is held to the same standard as in-person therapy. All the same regulations, rules, and code of ethics apply no matter what platform of therapy is being used. Your therapist is responsible for understanding every aspect of using online services, as well as for ensuring your safety and the security of your information.
Confidentiality is always protected no matter how you get your therapy services. Online therapy is no exception. Your therapist should make every reasonable effort to protect and maintain the confidentiality of your information.
While most information in therapy must legally be kept confidential, there are a small number of exceptions. If the therapist believes there is an immediate danger of serious self-harm or suicide, confidentiality may be broken for the purposes of informing emergency healthcare services.
Sometimes a therapist is just not able to provide the right services. This can be for many reasons, from a bad fit in the therapeutic relationship to the need for a higher level of care. In any case, your therapist should always be able to evaluate the situation and ensure that they can make the right referrals if you need a change or more care than they can provide.